March 2017 – Meeting Minutes

Woodstock Riding Club
March 20, 2017

Present: Laura Padusnak, Cody Bisignano, Brinn Dimler, Roberta Jackson, Susan Garrison, Susan Leiching, Jane Booth, Brenda Locke, Nancy Locke

Guest: Kenny Booth

Meeting was called to order by the President Roberta Jackson at 7:00pm.

Brinn and Laura were excused for foaling reasons.

Minutes of the February meeting were reviewed by Susan Leiching. Motion made to accept by Nancy and seconded by Cody.

Treasurer’s Report:
The treasurer’s report was reviewed verbally by Jane and available upon request. A motion was made to accept the treasurer’s report by Brenda and seconded by Cody and so carried.

Old Business:
1. Reviewed the draft of the program. Would like to have ready to go to print by March 25th.
2. Judges for the Dressage shows are:
May – Margaret Hilly from Mt. Holyoke
October – Rebecca Hicks
3. Laura will email Roberta regarding the food vendor.
4. Brenda and Roberta will be looking at the registration booth to build an extension to the side to facilitate the registration process.
5. An order will be placed for tee shirts this year.
6. There was discussion about the mugs/trophies for the classes and the day-end awards.

New Business:
No new business
Meeting was adjourned at 8:15 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Susan Leiching

Check out the new and updated Woodstock Riding Club website – Current information is being posted.

The next meeting is at the Olympia Diner, Kingston, NY on April 17th at 7:00 PM.

