August 2022 – Meeting Minutes

Woodstock Riding Club
August 15, 2022

Present: Ralph VanKleeck, Susan Leiching, Marie Webster, Annie VanKleeck, Jenny Lang

Meeting was called to order by Ralph at 7:17 pm.

June minutes reviewed by Susan Leiching. There was no meeting in July due to weather

Treasurer’s Report:
Treasurer report reviewed. Appears to be $3807.05 in the account.

Old Business:
1. Ken Meisler sent in membership for 2022. Ralph will contact Ken regarding past
exchange with land owner concerning tree damage.

New Business:
1. We received an email from Nin about using grounds for parking area for an event at her
place on Oct 15th. She forwarded a donation of $300.00.
2. New sponsors for the Sept/Oct show are Matthew and Alyssa Grant. The sponsorships
will be announced at each show.
3. For the September show:
Jenny – announcer
Ella – points
Registration – Susan, Brenda and Marie
Marie – obstacle and ground driving
4. Equus Fest is September 24th. Susan donated monies to cover cost of booth. Please
plan on spending some time at the booth for the club.
5. There was general discussion on renting the grounds and the impact on our insurance.
The next meeting will be September 19th at 7:00 pm at the Club grounds.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:00 pm

Respectfully submitted,
Susan Leiching
