October 2020 – Meeting Minutes

Woodstock Riding Club
October 19, 2020

Present: Jane Booth, Marie Webster, Ralph VanKleeck, Susan Leiching, Pat Elliot, Nancy
Locke, Beth Smith, Jennie Lang (via phone)

Meeting was called to order by Ralph at 7:05 pm.

Minutes of the last meeting were verbally reviewed by Susan. Marie made a motion to accept
the minutes and seconded by Nancy.

Treasurer’s Report:
The treasurer’s report was reviewed verbally by Jane and available upon request. Members are
reminded the raffle tickets are due. Motion made to accept by Susan and seconded by Pat.

Old Business:
1. Raffle tickets need to be returned to Ralph. The drawing will be held on December 5th.
2. Thank you notes to April Richards and Leslie Harris for their generous support of the
riding club.
3. School taxes will be payed and ½ of what is owed to John.
4. There was one bounced check from the show which Jane will follow up with.

New Business:
1. The 2021 Board is being formed for nomination. Ralph – president, Jenny – VP, Susan
– secretary and Roxanne Churchill for Treasurer. Board members will be Marie, Beth,
Roberta and Paula Edwards. We still need one more member.
2. The raffle ticket will be pulled on December 5th. We will have an awards presentation at
the club grounds on the same day. Awards will be given and photos taken.
3. Ralph now has a key to the po box in Woodstock.
4. Award ribbons have been ordered and thank you to Jane Booth for funding the ribbons.
5. We will be having a board meeting in November via zoom. Ralph will be sending out the

Meeting was adjourned at 8:05 pm.

Respectfully submitted, Susan Leiching
