May 2020 – Meeting Minutes

Woodstock Riding Club
May 18, 2020

Virtual Meeting

Present: Jane Booth, Marie Webster, Ralph VanKleeck, Annie VanKleeck, Brenda Locke,
Susan Leiching, Pat Elliot, Roberta Jackson, Susan Garrison

Meeting was called to order by Ralph at 7:05 pm.

Minutes of the last meeting were reviewed by Susan Leiching. Motion made to accept by
Marie and seconded by Pat and so carried.

Treasurer’s Report:
The treasurer’s report was reviewed verbally by Jane and available upon request. Bills are
being paid along with ½ of the taxes. Motion made to accept by Ralph and seconded by Marie
and so carried.

Old Business:
1. Raffle tickets are available from Ralph and will be mailed to members. Please contact
Ralph at
2. The Websters will mow the arena; Joe will do surrounding fields.
3. Marie is due a $20.00 credit. Her ad did not make the program booklet.
4. The June show will be cancelled due to the pandemic. We will hope for the July show.
A motion was made by Ralph and seconded by Susan. Motion carried.
5. Clean up day went well with all keeping 6 ft distance.

New Business:
1. There was discussion about a virtual horse show. Annie will do some research and
Jenny will send some contact information to Annie.
2. There will be signage on the gate that the lock combo will be changed. The only
individuals who can ride on the grounds are paid members with the signed waiver.
Susan will send out an email encouraging people to support the club by joining or
renewing their memberships. The combo will be given on receiving payment of dues.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:00 pm.

Respectfully submitted, Susan Leiching
