Woodstock Riding Club
February 17, 2020
Present: Jane Booth, Marie Webster, Ralph VanKleeck, Annie VanKleeck, Beth Smith, Susan
Leiching, Roberta Jackson, Nancy Locke
Guest: Ken Booth
Meeting was called to order by Ralph at 7:00 pm.
Minutes of the last meeting were reviewed by Susan Leiching. Motion made to accept by
Roberta and seconded by Nancy and so carried.
Treasurer’s Report:
The treasurer’s report was reviewed verbally by Jane and available upon request. Motion made
to accept by Susan and seconded by Nancy and so carried.
Old Business:
1. The tree situation with the neighbors cannot be resolved at this time. New trees should
be planted at some time.
2. Show programs – the ads are coming in – keep working on the ads – deadline is
March 19th.
3. Judges so far:
a. June – Nicole Saucy
b. Sept – Joe Hafele
4. For a fund raising idea – Susan suggested a money drawing. Sell tickets (300) for
$20.00 apiece. This would earn $6,000 – $3,000 is divided up by percentage for prize
money and $3,000 for the club. The legal ramifications of running this type of lottery
needs to be explored.
5. Ribbons were ordered
6. Any equine items for sale can be posted on facebook (thru Ralph?). No livestock.
New Business:
1. We welcome new members – Paula Lynch and David Edwards. They live in the West
Hurley area and have mini horses.
2. The checking account will reflect the new president and treasurer.
3. Kenny was able to unclog the culvert pipe at the club.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:45pm
Respectfully submitted,
Susan Leiching