June 2021 – Meeting Minutes

Woodstock Riding Club
June 21, 2021

Present: Marie Webster, Ralph VanKleeck, Susan Leiching, Nancy Locke, Annie VanKleeck,
Beth Smith

Meeting was called to order by Ralph at 7:12 pm.

Minutes of the last meeting were verbally reviewed by Susan. Marie made a motion to accept
the minutes and seconded by Nancy.

Treasurer’s Report:
The treasurer’s report was reviewed verbally. Bills have been paid up-to-date. Balance is
$5,249.50. There is not a break down from the yard sale and June show. Marie made a motion
to accept the report and seconded by Ralph.
Old Business:
1. The Western Dressage Clinic is a go. It will run from 9am to 4pm. Ralph will contact
Courtney about set-up. The set up will probably be on Friday.
2. Lo-boy tractor is still with Ralph. Thanks to all who have helped with mowing and
preparing grounds for the show.
3. Annie will be seeking packaged food donations for the July show. Thank you for getting
the donations from Stewarts for the June show.
New Business:
1. Equifest will be happening at the UC Fairgrounds on Sept 25th. Annie is inquiring about
getting a booth for the WRC. The cost is $75.00. Annie is hoping to do some
2. We will need a trail judge for the July show. It proved to be too time consuming with only
one judge.
3. Ralph had an inquiry about renting the grounds for an artist pop-up show. We need the
check the cost of liability insurance for use. We agreed the grounds should be rented for
4. Helen Rogaski, a long-time member of the WRC passed away at the age of 93. Jenny
suggested a memorial tribute on facebook, a donation of $50.00 to a charity listed in the
obituary and to mention at the July show. All agreed.
5. Thanks to Dana LaBarr for the play area for the kids at the horse show. What a
success! Kids were seen in the play area all during the time she was here.6. Jenny brought up the need for new jumps. She was recently at a show and the set-up of 2 standards, 2 rails, 4 cups is about $500.00. It was suggested we start to set aside monies to be able to purchase a set or 2 at a time.
7. We need someone for points on July 18th.
8. Setup for the show will be Friday July 16th at 6:00pm.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:15 pm

Respectfully submitted,
Susan Leiching
