May 2021 – Meeting Minutes

Woodstock Riding Club
May 17, 2021

Present: Jane Booth, Marie Webster, Ralph VanKleeck, Susan Leiching, Nancy Locke, Brenda
Locke, Paula Lynch, Dave Edwards, Annie VanKleeck

Meeting was called to order by Ralph at 7:10 pm.

Minutes of the last meeting were verbally reviewed by Susan. Brenda made a motion to accept
the minutes and seconded by Nancy.
Treasurer’s Report:
The treasurer’s report was reviewed verbally. Bills have been paid up-to-date. Balance is
$2,583. There are outstanding bills for website, building supplies and show trophies. Brenda
made a motion to accept the report and seconded by Nancy.

Old Business:
1. HVWM was contacted by Jane and we were told if there was anything in the dumpster,
there would be a $200+ charge. Since there is stuff in the dumpster, we agreed to hold
it until after the yard sale.
2. Deb Sprenger donated $50 for the startup money for the yard sale scheduled on May
22nd. Ads have been placed in the Freeman and set-up is Friday starting around
3. Parking lot will need to be separated for the clinic versus the yard sale. For insurance
purposes Courtney has to supply certificate of liability else we will have to supply
insurance. Stalls for the clinic will be the usual charge of $15/$20.
4. Tractors are back and repaired for use. Total repair cost for the 3 tractors was $431.
Clean up day was successful and the grounds look great.
New Business:
1. Courtney will be here at 4:30pm to set up for dressage clinic. Ralph will check what she
may need from us.
2. Annie is seeking donations of pre-packaged items and drinks to have at the show.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:00 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Susan Leiching
