Woodstock Riding Club
April 20, 2020
Virtual Meeting
Present: Jane Booth, Marie Webster, Ralph VanKleeck, Annie VanKleeck, Brenda Locke,
Susan Leiching, Pat Elliot, Paula and Dave, Susan Garrison
Guest: Ken Booth and Sully
Meeting was called to order by Ralph at 7:04 pm
Minutes of the last meeting were reviewed by Susan Leiching. Motion made to accept by
Ralph and seconded by Pat and so carried.
Treasurer’s Report:
The treasurer’s report was reviewed verbally by Jane and available upon request. Motion made
to accept by Marie and seconded by Pat and so carried.
Old Business:
1. Programs are ready and available at the clubhouse for distribution
2. Raffle tickets will be designed and 400 will be printed to be sold at $10 apiece. Susan
will send Ralph the disclaimer.
3. Courtney would do the western dressage on May 31st.
New Business:
1. After some discussion, a motion was made by Pat Elliot and seconded by Marie that half
the taxes be paid at this time. The motion was carried.
2. A thank you to Jane Booth for continue to act as treasurer for the club in the new year.
3. Clean up day will be May 2nd around 10:00 am. Members will practice social distance
and mask wearing where appropriate.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:50 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Susan Leiching