August 2018 – Meeting Minutes

Woodstock Riding Club
August 20, 2018

Present: Susan Leiching, Jane Booth, Roberta Jackson, Brenda Locke, Marie Webster, Nancy Locke, Cody Bisignano, Jenny Lange, Ralph VanKleeck, Annie VanKleeck

Guest: Ken Booth

Meeting was called to order by the Roberta Jackson at 7:10 pm.

Minutes: Minutes from the July meeting were reviewed by Susan. Motion was made to accept the minutes by Ralph Van Kleeck and seconded by Brenda Locke

Treasurer’s Report:
The treasurer’s report was reviewed verbally by Jane and available upon request. Motion made to accept the minutes by Brenda Locke and seconded by Susan Leiching.

Old Business:

New Business:
1. We have voted to cancel the September show because of the Ohayo Mountain road closure. The only way to get to the show is through the village of Woodstock. The October Show will be pointed.
2. Cody’s weekend will be cancelled due to lack of interest, grounds condition and road closure.
3. We are predicting a small turnout for the awards dinner because of the poor attendance at shows. It was agreed the dinner will be at the Mid-Hudson Buffet. Date and time to follow.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:00 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Susan Leiching

Check out the new and updated Woodstock Riding Club website – We are also on Facebook. The next meeting is at the Olympic Diner, Washington Ave, Kingston on September 17th at 7:00 pm.

