April 2018 – Meeting Minutes

Woodstock Riding Club
April 16, 2018

Present: Susan Leiching, Jane Booth, Roberta Jackson, Susan Garrison, Brenda Locke, Tammy Sorbellini, Anne Marie Taddeo

Meeting was called to order by the Roberta Jackson at 7:10 pm.

Minutes of the last meeting were reviewed by Susan Leiching. Motion to accept made by Brenda Locke and seconded by Anne Marie Taddeo.

Treasurer’s Report:
The treasurer’s report was reviewed verbally by Jane and available upon request. Motion made to accept the minutes by Brenda Locke and seconded by Susan Leiching

Old Business:
1. Jane and Ken will not be here for the June show. They will set up the trail course prior to leaving and the show prep will be done.
2. Roberta will contact Tiffany re: mini-prix and letter in email.
3. There will be no food vendor at the June show. We will have some food available.
4. Yard sale is on for Saturday, May 19th 9:00 am – 4:00 pm. Help will be needed for setup, sale and take down.
5. Programs are available at Roberta’s – Green Heron Farm, John Joy Rd, Woodstock, NY.

New Business:
There is no new business

Meeting was adjourned at 7:50 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Susan Leiching

Check out the new and updated Woodstock Riding Club website – https://woodstockridingclub.com
Current information is being posted.
The next meeting is at the Olympic Diner, Washington Ave, Kingston on May 21st at 7:00 pm.
