Woodstock Riding Club
September 19, 2016
Present: Christina Steen-Byron, Pat Elliot, Susan Leiching, Jane Booth, Roberta Jackson, Brenda Locke, Laura Padusnak, Nancy Locke, Cody Bisignano
The meeting was called to order at 7:10 PM by President Roberta Jackson
Information from the August meeting was reviewed by Susan Leiching. This was not a legitimate meeting so approval of minutes was not necessary.
Treasurer’s Report:
The treasurer’s report was reviewed verbally by Jane and available upon request. The September show was successful. A motion was made to accept the treasurer’s report by Brenda and seconded by Pat and so carried.
Old Business:
1. A rider was excused from the ring by the judge for lameness. There was an incident and the rider was rude to the judge. There is no excuse for this behavior and lack of sportsmanship. A letter will be mailed to the involve party.
New Business:
1. The registration for the dressage show is going well. There is a need for a scribe. Any interested member can contact Roberta (rhj@hvc.rr.com) to volunteer, or for more information.
2. October show will be October 9, 2016. Some things that are needed are new chain barriers around the registration booth. Jennifer and Jen will hopefully be doing the announcing and points. Set up date and time is Friday October 7th at 3:00pm.
3. The Awards Dinner will be on November 4th at the Smokin’ Pony in Saugerties. We had such a good time last year. The menu remains the same – so be on the look-out for the reservation forms. Prices are comparable to last year.
4. In lieu of the penny social set-up, we have decided to make up baskets for raffle and to have the auction. If anyone would like to donate items for a basket (candy, bake goods, gift cards, coffees or teas, items for horse/pony related baskets) see any board member or bring to the October show.
5. We are in the process of preparing a slate of officers for the 2017. If any member of the club is interested in being an officer/board member, please step forward and let me Susan Leiching (briarstone@hvc.rr.com) know prior to October 30th. Please step up if you can help, the future of the club depends on volunteers.
6. The next meeting, October 17th, will be at the Olympia Diner, Washington Avenue, Kingston, NY at 7:00pm.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Susan Leiching
Check out the Woodstock Riding Club website – https://woodstockridingclub.com Current information is being posted.
The next meeting is at the Olympic Diner, Washington Ave, Kingston, NY on October 17th at 7:00 PM.